QuantiFluor® ssDNA System でcDNA濃度を測定し、これをqPCRで測定した遺伝子発現のノーマライザーとして用いる事が出来ます。
Measurements of ssDNA (cDNA) conc.
1. Dilute to x200-400 ssDNA dye (Promega) using TE buffer
If use x10 cDNA, x200 is recommended.
2. Apply 100ul to well of black plate
3. Apply 2-10ul x10 cDNA or STD (STDs are 25ng/ul~1/2, 8 points+0 conc.)
If use x10 cDNA, 10ul is recommended.
4. Incubate 5min at room temp
5. Measure ex492/ emi582